Monday 8 August 2016

How To Approach The Hot Girl At The Gym

For all of you fitness gurus out there, we all know there is that one girl who you always see at the gym – the one you cannot help but notice. Whether her hair gorgeously bounces on the treadmill, or she always seem to stretch in your line of sight, she always gets away before you can start the conversation. Unfortunately, the gym is one cruel world for love.

It is a little intimidating to walk up to a girl with her headphones in, working out and watching TV. Worst of all, she is focused and probably does not want to hit on a guy while looking like a sweaty mess. But you should not sweat it yourself; your success lies all in the technique. But before we give you the lowdown, there are some approaches that will never work.

First: grunting, groaning or any noise that comes out of your exhausted lungs will need to end. It is not working! This is the most childish thing lifters will try. It is akin to walking up to her and just flexing; she will be laughing at you if she has not already walked away. So if our plea does not sway your opinion, then we only ask that you do not stare at the hot girl while making the noise. The sound in itself is bad enough.

Second: whatever pick up line you muster up in the short walk from your 10 pound dumbbells to her, do not use your line while she is using a machine. Nothing is worse than her having to stop the machine 15 minutes into her run, or awkwardly try and talk to a guy standing next to her treadmill while you're red faced and sweating. We know, it makes you hot! But it just makes us uncomfortable. This is not a Calvin Klein ad – in the real world, sweat just looks dirty.

Last: the hot girl does not want your friendly words-of-wisdom. Do not come and show her how to perform some “sick” work out. Chances are, she will find lifting the same weight as you impossible. There is the off chance that she will enjoy what you showed her, or that you “helped her form,” but she will not enjoy trying to follow your instructions while you watch her pathetic attempts. Sure, it makes you look strong in comparison, but that is not what she is thinking. She simply takes away embarrassment and the insecurity that she does know what she is doing.

Above all, do not be the guy who is not working out at the gym – the guy who just stands around and stares at people. Trust us, we all see you. We all know you are wandering aimlessly and doing absolutely nothing. On that note, do not stare at her when she works out on the hip adducter machine. It will only come off creepy, and your chances will end before you began your sentence.

Also – as briefly mentioned above – there is a fine line between sexy-sweaty and too sweaty. We would not recommend subscribing to a spin class just to meet a girl, especially if your workout does not normally focus on cardio. You will surely be dripping with sweat when you attempt to spit game after the class is over. Trust us: it will not be pretty.

Now, here are the go-to approaches that will help you to finally pick up that gym goddess!

Water breaks can be more than a cool down

The best time to go up to the hot girl is on her water break. Once you see her press the pause button on that treadmill, coordinate you trip to the water fountain so that you will bump into her at an “accidental” moment. Even if she brought a water bottle to the gym, she will most likely need a refill. So take this chance to strike up a conversation with her. She will likely be listening to her iPod, so make sure you do not try to talk to her while she is plugged in – that will just make for an awkward attempt on your part.

So act clueless, approach her head on and ask something dumb that you probably know the answer to. For example: “Are you in line?” You have no idea how many times this has been used, and to be honest, after her headphones are out, she will not mind striking up a conversation. Even the blonde sauntering on the elliptical needs a break from her workout. Take that cool down as your opportunity turn up the heat!

Make a run for it

If you are awestruck by the “babe on the run” in the outdoors, run after her like there is no tomorrow. Trust me, I’m a girl: she will not see this as desperate. The only time I have encountered a situation like this was when a guy caught up with me when I was out for a run, but he was sprinting in his sandals while clinging onto his backpack!

The effort to catch up and keep up says more than a pick-up line ever could. To keep up your “strong and sexy” image, ask her if she wants to meet to go on a run sometime. Creativity is appreciated, gentleman.

Snag a seat

If you see this girl in a spin class, your job will have been made all the more easier. After you spot her, try to snag a spot next to her. This advice does come with a warning, though: do not watch her during the class. Make sure you focus on your workout, or at least fake it!

What if you accidentally mess up? Then pretend to laugh. It could even be the lead-in to your line. Say something sweet like, “Wow, I'm not used to taking classes like this!” Boom, now you are the cute guy who likes to try new things. If it takes her a second to notice your pick-up line, then go up to her at the end of class. Even if it is Aerobics 101, you are no longer just a guy at the gym; now you are the guy from her class.

Keep in mind: regardless of what scenario you choose to engage the hot girl at the gym, be confident. I cannot tell you how big of a turn off a nervous demeanor and shaky hands are. The best pick up I've ever encountered was a 6”2, 300 lb. guy tapping me on the shoulder and delivered the straight-face line, “Excuse me, would you mind spotting me?” If you are reading this, and thinking I gave him a fake number that day, think again.

How To Approach The Hot Girl At The Gym appeared first on Elite Daily

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